Measure What Matters: Methods to Add Value 

FEFO have collaborated with like-minded safety professionals internationally to look at modern methods to measure health and safety performance.  

We know that traditional methods of measuring health & safety performance often rely heavily on only Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The Human centred Safety II approach looks at what goes right and what goes wrong and in doing so can enable organisations to improve performance.  

Our aim is to enable a resilient approach to measuring what matters, proposing a three-step approach.  

1. Evaluate Inputs – Inputs from people, places, plant, process & data  

Initially, factors influencing the safety strategy should be captured, assessed to determine what is material to the organisation. This will enable sustainable strategic choices and selection of relevant measures of success. 

How can this be done? – Considering Current vs Desired state and evaluating key internal and external inputs.  

2. Confirm Strategy & Metrics

Using inputs identified in step 1, informed decisions can be made that are supported by balanced Objective Key Results (OKR’s) and KPI’s. Strategic (OKR’s) assist with not losing sight of the destination or being too focused on KPI’s.

When assessing what the right metrics are that are aligned with the Organisational Maturity and Priorities, consideration can be given to the below to Make Choices and Prioritise Value. Metrics should include a combination of evidence-based and option-based KPI’s.

Further information on building out OKRs and KPIs can be found in the FEFO Blog located here

3. Measure and Monitor

Selecting metrics that matter should be balanced with organisational maturity levels and with combination of reactive, proactive, and predictive performance measures for the best results to be achieved.  

Dependent on the direction and priorities of the organisation, a practical choice should be made that is suitable and achievable for the organisation.

Examples can be tracking Critical Control Performance, Climate Survey Results or OKR Tracking to name a few.

OKR Tracking Sheet

So what does this approach achieve? Beyond measuring incident occurrences and other quantitative measures, this will assist with driving a resilient and improved safety performance.

Adopting a simple 3 step approach to measuring health and safety performance will enable success as going beyond measuring incident occurrences and other quantitative measures will assist with driving a resilient and improved safety performance.